
Cinema for Pupils and Students

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"THE SALT OF THE EARTH" and "THE CUT" won The Siver Sea-gull

Georgi Djulgerov won The SilverSea-gull

"THE SALT OF THE EARTH" and "THE CUT" won The Siver Sea-gull

New Cinema Event

Sofia Film Fest at the Coast for Pupils

"THE SALT OF THE EARTH" and "THE CUT" won The Siver Sea-gull

Emotianal Closing ceremony

13 International Sofia Film Fest at the Coast finished successfuly

Rousy Chanev and Dushan Milic are guests in Sofia Film Fest at the Coast

Many citizens of Burgas in "Buffer zone"

Wim Wenders' film is going forward

"THE SALT OF THE EARTH"is the leader

Georgi Djulgerov sad Good-bye to cinema in Burgas also


The powerful start of 13 International Sofia Film Fest at the Coast

Oskar's nomination open 13 International Sofia Film Fest at the coast

13 International Sofia Film Fest at the Coast began

Yordanka Ingilizova's Granddauther had seen Brother Darden's film

13 International Sofia Film Fest at the Coast will begin with Oskar's nomination

13 International Sofia Film Fest at the Coast have very strong programme

Georgi Djulgerov: "I say good-bye to cinema as a director"

Film about the Fishing Hamlet

13 International Sofia Film Fest at the Coast was annouced

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